Arts Awards 2015

Arts Awards 2015

The annual Arts Awards dinner is an opportunity to celebrate the dramatic and musical achievements within Warminster School and a chance for parents and pupils to reflect back on the numerous events that occur during the academic year that make Warminster School such a rich and diverse environment.

This year's award winners were:

  Drama Music
Lower School contribution Hattie Dunn Sophie Watson
Middle School contribution Sabie Drake Ben Stone
Sixth Form contribution Thea Kennedy Amy James
Outstanding contribution Helena Winchcombe Lewis Tomlinson
Most improved Maggie Ng Izzy O'Gorman
Outstanding actor/musician (male) Tommy Morgan
(for Billy Crocker in Anything Goes)
Gabriel Alexander
Outstanding actor/musician (female) Maisie Fogg
(for Bonnie in Anything Goes)
Sophie Bourne

Congratulations not only to the winners but to the nominees as well for their part in the success of drama and music within the School.

Derek Harris
Director of Music