Discussing his experiences in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as his novel Anatomy of a Soldier, Harry Parker proved to be an engaging speaker at the latest Thomas Arnold Lecture. The audience were intrigued by his explanation of his book's structure where each chapter is told from the perspective of an object with which the book's protagonist interacts. In addition, his insight into his work in both Iraq and Afghanistan showed the constant danger faced by forces in such situations.
His responses to questions aided the audience's understanding of both the process of writing and how he has coped since his life-changing injuries. All-in-all, this was another excellent talk from an entertaining speaker.
Graeme McQueen, organiser of the lecture series said, “Harry Parker gave a compelling talk based on personal experience in a modern war zone and what it takes to have the resilience to bounce back from serious injury. Entertaining yet poignant, he kept the audience of the extended school community gripped throughout a compelling hour. We look forward to his next book!”