“A minor setback” – lecture in aid of the Alex Lewis Trust

Former Warminster School pupil Alex Beck (2010) is proving the fine character of so many of our alumni by organising a charity lecture in aid of the Alex Lewis Trust. Mr Lewis, 33, from Hampshire and father of a young son, has been much in the news recently for his extraordinary courage and resilience in the face of catastrophic illness. In November 2013 he succumbed to Strep A toxic shock syndrome, a devastating infection which has led to the amputation of all his limbs and facial disfiguration through necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease).
Alex Lewis is now on the long journey to rehabilitation, learning to walk on prosthetic legs and to use his new arms. The Trust named after him has been set up to fund his rehabilitation – providing wheelchairs, home adaptations and prosthetic maintenance. The Trust also plans to raise funds for the ward at Salisbury District Hospital where much of his treatment was carried out. In the future it aims to provide civilian amputees with resources and information and to support others affected by this rare condition.
Alex’s amazing courage – he described the amputation of his one remaining limb as “a minor setback” – has inspired many members of the medical team who have treated him. Our Alex, a student physiotherapist at UWE, has experienced this first hand. She writes: “I recently met with Alex to discuss opportunities and ways of moving forward. He is determined that people do not feel sorry him and to take action. I felt inspired to help and decided to organise a charity lecture at Warminster School. We hope the speakers will include physiotherapists involved in Alex’s care at various stages, military physiotherapists who have worked with the Alex Lewis Trust…and of course Alex himself.”
The Headmaster, Mark Mortimer, comments, “Warminster School is delighted to host this lecture. Alex Beck has worked tirelessly to organise it and to secure generous donations from local businesses. It is impressive to see a former pupil put so much effort into something she believes passionately about. I look forward to welcoming as many people as possible to this event. It is a wonderful cause. Alex has done a tremendous job and we are extremely proud of her.”
The lecture will take place on Friday 8th May 2015 at 7.00pm in the Thomas Arnold Hall. The lecture will cover the triumphs and challenges of Alex's rehabilitation from early ITU, to going home and learning to walk again. In addition to the speakers, the very latest information in medical robotics will be on display from Imperial College, London.
Tickets for this fundraising charity lecture are £15 each including a complimentary ploughman's supper, drinks and raffle. All proceeds will be donated to the Alex Lewis Trust.
For tickets and further details, please contact Mrs Felicity Beck on [email protected]
A “silent auction” has also been set up to raise funds for the Trust. There are a range of fantastic items on offer. For more details, and to place bids, please visit http://www.jumblebee.co.uk/aminorsetbacklectureinaidofthealexlewistrust